There's not much I can say about Case and his Paci's. He just loves them. I fould a bunch the other day hiding so when he woke up from his nap he was so happy!
I was incharge of our Relief Society (Women's Group @ Church) Christmas Program. I was so proud of the decorations and how they turned out. Those light were going to be the death of me but they worked and it was a great program. We talked about the different Christmas Hymns and their origins and then we sang together as a group and some of us preformed. Some how I got talked into a duet of Silent Night in German. Not sure how that happened since I'm the one who was assigning the preformers. But I didn't mess up the words too much.
Do you see my pretty Nativity Set from Willow Tree that my wonderful Mother in Law got for me a few years ago! It's so pretty!
We aren't going anywhere for Christmas since we went to TN for Thanksgiving. We are feeding the missionaries that day so that will be fun. I think the kids have gotten spoiled like always and some how I talked Loren into a group gift. A new bedding set with new sheets that don't snag on my rough heels. We are already using them and I love it!
I hope all of your Christmas's are wonderful and I'll catch up again in the new year. 2009!!