Justin and Case having fun in the water
Bethany holding Riley and her daughter Shelby
Izzy and Emma
Megan and Seth up top and her daughter Cloe down below
Liz and Kalaya...sorry if I misspelled her name
I just love Greta! She got this cupcake everywhere and I mean everywhere!
(Sorry if I missed some pictures but Abby has all the copies and she said she'd email them to everyone!)
OK...onto my next adventure. We flew to WA on June 13th (lucky huh?) It was a almost 5 hour flight which wouldn't have been bad if I was a better mom...You see at the pool party the day before my friend Abby put sun block on Case (thanks Abby for being a better mom then me!) but I didn't put anything on myself of Justin. Now...Justin is a total champ when it comes to tanning and never burning, thanks to his daddy...but I guess our hours of playing in the pool wasn't good...luckily the "bad bubbles" didn't pop-up till after we got to WA. However the plane ride was rough cause we both were pretty sun burned on the shoulders. (Sorry Buddy!)
Justin and favorite Cousin Aaron
We then went to Forks, WA! I like to take a moment here and ask for a moment of silence for the dumb books that have got me and few other people obsessed. (you know who you are!) We did do other things on this trip. Otherwise we would have not been able to trick err talk Paul (Amy's hubby) into going on a fun trip to the Olympic Peninsula to see the the HOH Rain Forest and the beautiful Ocean...hee hee hee!
On the way over to the Peninsula we took a ferry across the Sound and and then drove like 3 hours to Forks. The drive over was very curvy and Justin kept complaining of a "sore throat". Sorry bud nothing I can do about a sore...apparently that is code word for throw up! This was a mess. Luckily I had a change of clothes!
Brianna, Me, Amy, and Morgan infront of the Forks High School sign
This is La Push at sunset. It was just like I pictured it in the book.
Me and Case snugglin' at La Push
Baby Case was freezing and he really loved his Uncle Paul!
Everybody (including Paul!) at Cape Flattery. The most Northwestern Point of the US
Everybody at the Hoh Rain Forest. This place had so HUGE trees!
Have you ever seen a more stupid looking car?
Also at this place they were kind enough to give us a copy of the "Twilight Points of Interest". It was a map of the town and what corresponded to the book. So of course we took our picture at Forks High School. La Push (the ocean) was so beautiful! We went there our first night. It was so cold and windy that day but so pretty. I almost asked a kid who could have been Jacob Black if he'd let us take a picture with him but I thought that would have been rude. I'm a chicken! Justin insisted on walking in the FREEZING ocean and of course a wave knocked him down. And now he's just gonna have to go back to the hotel in his birthday suit. You'd think after the first time being knocked into the water he'd want out but no...He wasn't cold! The second time I put my foot down and I had to drag up to the car kicking and screaming.
My trip with Amy was 2 weeks but it went by too quickly! I think the only time we had together with no kids was a trip to Cost Co. My wonderful Nieces...Brianna, Kenzie, and Carly babysat the boys like champs. To thank them I made them all curtains for their rooms. They turned out great and they are supposed to emailing me pictures of them...I'm still waiting! We then drove down to Portland, OR to visit my mother in law and to see Loren. He got to fly in and spend the next 9 days with us! We had a busy and fun time in OR. Jo (mom-in-law), had a lot of fun things planned. We went on a Stern Wheeler. It's a boat with a big paddle on the back. It was a very beautiful area! Jo treated me and her to a very nice pedicure at a real spa. I loved it and and my toes still look good. Thanks Jo! Me and Loren even got to go on a nice date for our anniversary that I missed:-( by ourselves while the boys played with Nanna Jo. We also spent the day out with Thomas up by Mt. Hood. Justin still loves trains and it was great. Thank you Jo for a great visit and we can't wait to see you again.
This is us on the Thomas Train. It was so nice to have Loren with us!
Nanna and Case
Nanna and Justin
This picture is to prove that Case is fully capable to hold his own cup. He would disagree though!
Loren, Justin, and Jo riding on a little train and Case down below exhausted from our trip!
Next me, Loren, and the boys flew to Sacramento, CA to visit his dad. We had a ton of fun with Grandpa. He was a good sport and drove us down to the Jelly Belly Factory and waited in line for over an hour to see the factory tour. If was well worth it. Who would have thought it takes up to a week to make 1 jelly belly! They are yummy!
George Clooney made out of Jelly Belly's
Loren and his dad
Loren and his dad found some so styro foam airplanes that his mom bought a long time ago and they never put them together. We spent a few day flying and mostly crashing and retrieving these planes. It was lots of fun.
Went went to see Loren's grandparents and his Aunt and Uncle. His grandparents hadn't seen Justin since he was 13 months old and it was the first time they saw Case. The boys are their only Great-Grandchildren and it was important to me that they see them. I'm glad they did cause we just found out the Loren's Grandpa has Pancreatic Cancer. It was great to see them with the boys.
This is Loren's family on his dad's side. From left: Great Grandpa Pinard, Loren, Justin, Me, Aunt Janice, Uncle Bruce, Great Grandma Pinard, Case, and Grandpa Kern
I got a 4 Generation shot of Great Grandpa Pinard, Grandpa Kern, Loren, Justin and Case
Loren and his Grandma Joy
Case with his Great Grandpa Pinard...he never got to meet the other ones
We left to go to AZ and Loren left to NC on July 5th. It was sad to have him leave but we were so glad that he was able to make it out to join us!
If you are still reading this good for you. Please feel free to take a 15 minute break and make yourself a sandwich. Seriously...my fingers are starting to cramp up!
Arizona was surprisingly a very nice visit! I got to meet 2 of nieces for the first time. Claire who is 4 months old and Amena who is 14-ish months old. I spent a week at my friend Sarah Sarah's house. She worked alot of night shifts while I was there so I didn't get to spend enough time with her. But I did get to make her hubby watch to season finale to the Bachelorette and a few episodes of So You Think You Can Dance. Her daughter Tiffany is a little over a year old and loved Case. They were great friends!
syncranized stair crawling!
This is my friend Becca Wilcox's daughter Kaylyn with Case
Justin and Cole
Nathan, Justin, and Rilee (cousins)
Lucinda's Hubby wrestling with Cole and Justin
Trying to get pictures with screaming kids is really funny. Back row is Lincoln, Rilee, Nathan and Justin...front row not having any fun is Claire, Amena, and Case
I flew back to TN on July 19th and stayed for a week. I went to Girls Camp a little and hung out. I really miss that calling and all my friends! We spent a day with the Moore's who are moving to Italy for a few years. We'll miss you guys! I stayed in Tn for a week so I could attend my friends wedding. I met Abby Epps way back in the 8th grade when I lived in TN and it was fun going to the wedding and reception and seeing other people for way back then . When I get the picture emailed to me I'll post it. We drove back yesterday the 27th.
I can't believe we were gone so long. I just wanted to tell Loren that I love him a ton and thank you for never making me feel guilty for being gone so long! We missed you tons and I promise to stay home for a long time!!!
Ok people. There you go. I'm a little scared to publish this post...I hope it doesn't crash Blogger:-)